Units based on AVZ-type vacuum spool pumps are designed to pump out air, non-aggressive gases and steam-gas mixtures, previously cleaned of droplet moisture and mechanical impurities, from sealed vacuum systems in stationary installations located in industrial fire and explosion proof premises. The temperature of the ambient and pumped out medium is from plus 100C to 350C).

  • SKU: EL010895
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More Details

Main characteristic

  • Speed of action in the pressure range from atmospheric to 1 * 10-1 kPa (7.5 * 10-1 mm Hg), l / s - 90
  • Rotation frequency, rpm - 1500
  • Engine power, kW - 11

Hydraulic characteristic

  • The highest permissible water vapor pressure, kPa (mm Hg) - 4.0 (30)
  • Ultimate residual pressure complete without gas ballast, kPa (mm Hg), no more - 6.7 * 10 -4 (5 * 10 -3 )
  • Ultimate residual pressure with gas ballast, kPa (mm Hg), no more - 6.7 * 10 -3 (5 * 10 -2 )
A type