The automated calibration unit is designed for the verification of electronic and induction one - and three-phase meters of active and reactive energy. Features: - the installation makes it possible to automatically check 6, 12 or 24 meters, - a high level of software automation and mechanization of meter connection points, - automated adjustment of photo sensors, - high speed of connection of meters and verification, - a modern operator interface.
Параметры | Значения |
Основная погрешность по мощностью и энергией ,% | 0,05 |
Коэффициент гармоник, % | 0,5 |
| 5...380 0,005 ... 120 |
Количество гармоник | 60 |
Мощность питания, Вт | 400 |
Масса, кг | 200 |
Габаритные размеры, мм | 2000х600х1800 |