The automated stationary measure of power quality indicators is intended for verification of reference control devices for power quality indicators. The measure is a unique means of reproducing power quality indicators in world practice and makes it possible to: - directly measure reproducible quality indicators with the accuracy of the used high-precision measuring instruments, - reproduce quality indicators not only in voltages, but also currents, - reproduce voltage fluctuations in the network.
Параметры | Значения |
Основная погрешность воспроизведения показателей качества ,% | 0,01 |
Коэффициент гармоник, % | 0,5 |
Диапазон: напряжения, В токов, А | 5...380 0,005 ... 10 |
Количество гармоник | 60 |
Мощность питания, Вт | 400 |
Масса, кг | 200 |
Габаритные размеры, мм | 2000х600х800 |