The KVANT-Z.ETA spectrometer is designed for elemental analysis of liquid samples of various origins and composition at the concentration level measured in μg / L - ng / L. The main areas of application of the spectrometer are ecology, food industry, geology, metallurgy, other industries, scientific research. Spectrometer with atomization in a longitudinal magnetic field of a graphite furnace, which provides high sensitivity for the analysis of liquid samples at a concentration level from μg / L to ng / L. The presence of a magnetic background corrector based on the Zeeman effect improves the accuracy and speed of analysis and makes this spectrometer indispensable for analyzing samples with a complex matrix composition.

  • SKU: EL012022
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Технические характеристики:

Спектральный диапазон, нм190..850
Диапазон измерений оптической плотности0..3
Предел обнаружения Pb, мкг/л0,1
Производительность, измерений/час50
Объем пробы, мкл10
Система коррекции фонаобратный эффект Зеемана
Температура нагрева атомизатора, ° С50..2800
Габаритные размеры, мм,1095x560x435
Масса, кг,130
A type