Deaerator tanks, as a rule, are used in special installations - deaerators. The entire installation, which includes the tank, is used to pump out corrosive gases from make-up and feed water in steam generators and heating networks. The deaerator tank, which is a special horizontal cylindrical vessel, is designed for the correct functioning of the deaerators.

  • SKU: EL001337
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Технические характеристики

ОбозначениеБДА 2БДА 4БДА 8БДА 15БДА 25
Полезная вместимость,м?2481525
Общая вместимость,м?2,84,59,317,528
Давление среды,МПа0,6
Температура среды,°С104,25
Габариты,мм (д?ш?в)2940?1212?12124450?1212?12125185?1616?16166185?2016?20168065?2216?2216
A type