Main Advantages 1. SHANGCHAI 6135AK-8C motors have excellent reliability, generating high power and high torque. 2. Ergonomic spacious operator's cab with wide viewing angle provides maximum comfort and safety of operation. 3. The lateral tilt of the dozer blade greatly increases the efficiency of the machine. 4. A gearbox with a separately mounted clutch housing provides greater ease of installation, removal and maintenance. 5. Transmission is equipped with new design oversized gears. 6. The automatic control mode greatly facilitates the operator's work and increases the productivity of the system.

  • SKU: EL003060
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Технические характеристики

Габариты (Д×Ш×В, мм)5400×4000×3977
Снаряжённая масса (кг)15800/17300
Дизельный двигательShangChai 6135AK-8C
Номинальная мощность (кВт)103
Макс. подъём отвала (мм)1020/1000
Макс. высота разгрузки (мм)360/350
Ширина колеи (мм)500/1020
Engine model