Vertical gasifiers include cryogenic gasifiers with a vertically located vessel with a capacity of up to 1 m3, which allow transporting, storing and dispensing liquefied or compressed gas (O2, Ar, N2, CO2, CH4) at a given pressure and flow rate. The vertical gasifier is equipped with one or several cryogenic tanks mounted on a steel frame and an external product evaporator of the required capacity. The use of a vertical gasifier will be a safe and cost-effective alternative to cylinders if your gas demand is up to 120 forty liter cylinders per month.

  • SKU: EL001246
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Benefits of vertical gasifiers

  • Low working pressure makes it possible to consider production areas with a gas chemical complex according to the fourth - the lowest hazard class
  • Continuous gas supply, that is, with the help of the filling manifold, the operator can fill each vessel that is part of the MCC separately, without stopping the operation of other vessels.
  • A single steel frame and a compact arrangement of vessels make it possible to easily move and install the gas chemical complex at the production facility using lifting mechanisms. Also, all gas chemical plants with an external evaporator can be easily transported as a "bulky" cargo by any rail or road.

The lineup:

MCC - 0.2

MCC - 0.4

MCC - 0.6

MCC - 0.8
