The monoblock concept has been implemented: all compressor units are mounted in a single unit, while the absence of tubular connections provides additional reliability, ease of operation and maintenance of the system. Due to the absence of connecting pipelines between the nodes, leaks are practically excluded. The production space is significantly saved.

  • Brand: BOGE
  • SKU: EL002728
  • Price: 

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Технические характеристики 50 Hz

BOGEMax. давлениеПроизводительность по нагнетанию
50 Hz
Мощность приводаГабариты
Д × Ш × В
C 3 L101500.2348.32.23.0776 x 496 x 496105
C 4 L101500.31111.03.04.0776 x 496 x 496110
C 4 L131900.2047.23.04.0775 x 485 x 492110
C 5 L101500.53618.94.05.5776 x 496 x 496125
C 7 L101500.70725.05.57.5776 x 496 x 496130
C 7 L131900.52518.55.57.5755 x 485 x 492130

Технические характеристики 60 Hz

BOGEMax. давлениеПроизводительность по нагнетанию
50 Hz
Мощность приводаГабариты
Д × Ш × В
C 4 L101500.31111.03.04.0817 x 520 x 495110
C 4 L131900.2047.23.04.0817 x 520 x 495110
C 5 L101500.53618.94.05.5817 x 520 x 495125
C 7 L101500.70725.05.57.5817 x 520 x 495130
C 7 L131900.52518.55.57.5755 x 485 x 492130
A type