The generator has outstanding air ratios at full load thanks to the use of high efficiency carbon molecular sieves (CMS) and back pressure. Air consumption is also optimized when nitrogen consumption or pressure decreases, thanks to an advanced energy saving algorithm that automatically adjusts the generator cycle time. Cleanliness is guaranteed at all times by opening the consumer valve only to the required cleanliness level and blowing nitrogen when cleanliness is not achieved. The quality of the supplied air is controlled by monitoring critical parameters such as temperature, pressure and dew point.

  • SKU: EL013081
  • Price: 

More Details

  • Gas purity, in%: 99.5
  • Productivity for nitrogen, in m3 / hour: 18.3
  • Pressure range, bar: 4-13
  • Compressor flow, in m3 / h: 54.5
  • Version: PCT (%)