Aldox Core is a water deaeration system that works with maximum efficiency immediately after delivery and installation with a minimal investment Aldox Core systems are self-contained deaeration modules, pre-configured, pre-assembled and tested at the factory prior to delivery.

  • SKU: EL003291
  • Price: 

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Product Models

Deaeration with low cost and maximum effect

  • Aldox-SBD is designed exclusively for deaerating water
  • Aldox-SAD is designed to combine deaeration and water cooling
  • Aldox-SPD is designed for a complete package of water deaeration, pasteurization and cooling

This deaeration technology results in efficient oxygen removal at very low gas consumption. At least 95% of the stripping gas entering the column is dissolved in water, which reduces the need for additional carbonation for products such as high gravity blended beer. Almost oxygen-free water is collected at the bottom of the column.

A type
Beer production