Ergonomic and easy to maintain. Distillate of high purity with low conductivity is produced. Produces a bacteria- and pyrogen-free distillate with a low gas content. The distillate complies with the DAB standards and the requirements of the International Pharmacopoeia. The evaporator, condenser and heating element are made of stainless steel. Highly durable epoxy coated housing. The condenser of the first stage of purification of the bidistiller is made of stainless steel, the second stage is made of borosilicate glass. Automatic control of the degree of contamination of the evaporator of the first cleaning stage. Supplied with or without water storage tank.

  • SKU: EL011865
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Технические характеристики:

Производительность, л/ч2
Удельное сопротивление воды на выходе, мкСм/см2,3
Габариты, мм540х290х420
Напряжение, В220
Потребляемая мощность, кВт1,5
Масса, кг14
Защита от перегреваесть
Объем бака-накопителя, л4
Удельный расход охлаждающей воды, л/ч30
A type
2 l / h