Evaporating units on a frame, electrically heated for chlorine These types of evaporating units are supplied without any housing, the structure is completely assembled on the frame and ready for operation. Frame complexes of evaporating units allow installation in appropriate buildings, or ventilated containers, which allows the evaporator unit to be mobile. The frame design is made at the request of the customer.

  • SKU: EL002359
  • Price: 

More Details

Name Performance
Evaporation unit FAS 630 CLE / R 630 kg / h
Evaporation unit FAS 840 CLE / R 840 kg / h
Evaporation unit FAS 980 CLE / R 980 kg / h

* The arrangement of elements may differ from those shown in the figures, Fasenergomash reserves the right to make technical changes.

A type