The 4100XPC AC-90 Electric Rope Shovel is an AC driven machine that complements the highly successful 4100C in terms of payload while maintaining a high degree of technical unification with the 4100XPC AC. The 4100XPC AC-90 incorporates the latest design and engineering innovations to maximize machine availability and productivity.

  • SKU: EL005999
  • Price: 

More Details

  • Rated payload from 73 to 82 metric t (from 80 to 90 short tons)
  • Rated bucket capacity 42 to 49 m 3 (54 to 64 yd 3 )
  • Ideal for loading haul trucks with payloads ranging from 218 to 327 metric. t (from 240 to 360 short tons)
  • Proven and consistent machine availability of at least 90%
  • Optimized bucket geometry increases fill factors
Engine model