Main advantages 1. Large carrying capacity The carrying capacity of the presented dump trucks exceeds 60 tons. The body is adapted for heavy loading operations. 2. High cross-country ability The undercarriage is equipped with an extra-strong frame and a specially designed suspension, which is designed in accordance with the requirements for high cross-country ability, and also features a smooth compression and recoil of the wheel. 3. Exceptional reliability The braking system is represented by the main, spare and emergency brakes, providing a high level of safety in various operating conditions.

  • SKU: EL003080
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Технические характеристики:

Габариты (Д×Ш×В, мм)8900×3400×3950
Снаряжённая масса (кг)26000
Полная масса (кг)66000
Марка двигателяWeiChai WD12.420
Номинальная мощность (кВт)309
Тип привода6×4
Колёсная база (мм)3800+1500
Объём кузова (куб.м)30
Преодолеваемый уклон (%)30
Радиус разворота (м)21
Engine model