These are fast acting pneumatic valves that control dosing and low flow in hygienic applications. The modular design allows for cost-effective assembly of the valve body, plugs and actuators to best suit the isolation or diversion requirements.

  • SKU: EL003138
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More Details

The safe and economical Unique SSSV Globe Valve is designed for dosing and low flow control in hygienic applications where simple flow shut-off or changeover is required. With its compact size, robust plug design and high gasket strength, the Unique SSSV is ideal for applications requiring valves that are easy to configure, operate and clean.

Economy valve SSSV

The simple design of the Unique SSSV reduces maintenance costs. Fewer moving parts and smooth surfaces allow fewer CIPs. There is only one contact surface between the plug and the seat, minimizing the risk of contamination.

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