An economical version of the KS-02 colposcope on a straight tripod (option 200) with a fixed magnification, designed specifically for consumers with a limited budget. The colposcope is adapted to work with all models of gynecological chairs. The LED illuminator makes it possible to see the picture without distortion, which is especially important for research. The LED illuminator offers significant advantages over the halogen illuminator. The optical system of the colposcope is equipped with a green filter. Option 200 is equipped with an inexpensive H-shaped base, which has an integrated braking system to provide a more stable position of the instrument during examination.

  • SKU: EL014696
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Технические характеристики:

Кратность увеличения12x
Межзрачковое расстояние52~75 мм
Фокусное расстояниеF=263 мм
Бинокулярный тубус45°
Источник светаСветодиодная лампа
Освещенность35 000 лк
Основание, вариант 200Н-образное на 4 колесах
Colposcope type