Ball valve 11ls60p Du200 Ru80 is used in pipelines of public utilities, power systems and oil and gas industry. Cranes 11ls60p Du200 Ru80 are designed to work with gaseous and liquid media, incl. viscous and contaminated, suspensions, slurries, sludge. Operated manually or by actuator: electric, pneumatic or hydraulic.

  • SKU: EL001718
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More Details

The design working environment of the 11ls60p crane is non-aggressive natural gas . Steel 09G2S is used for the manufacture of the case. Temperature range: -45 to +80 C 0 . Connection to the pipeline - welded .

The type of connection and gasket material are selected depending on the operating conditions of the valves: pressure, operating temperature and corrosive properties of the medium.

A type