Transportable tank containers are the most convenient form for the transportation and temporary storage of cryogenic products. The tank container with cryo-liquid can be installed on any type of transport (car, railway) without special equipment. At the place of operation, the tank is connected to the drain system.

  • SKU: EL001219
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Model range of tank containers for storage of cryogenic products

  • tank container 1СС-ТСС20 / 2.4 for carbon dioxide
  • tank container 1СС-ТС-18400/7 for nitrogen, oxygen, argon
  • tank container 1АА-TLNG 40/7 for LNG

The design of the tank container for cryogenic liquids is a horizontal cylindrical tank with the output of technological branch pipes and fittings for further operation.

To maintain the required temperature in the tank, a multi-layer screen-vacuum thermal insulation is provided.

The container is placed and fixed on a metal frame-frame, which is easy and simple to install on a trawl, platform or truck.

For the production of tanks for the transportation of cryoproducts, stainless or carbon steel is used.

A type