The machines are designed for trimming and cutting unedged boards in order to obtain edged sawn timber. The peculiarities of the machines are sawing the material in two directions, the presence of a cutting optimization system, a laser ruler (optional). The machines are reliable and easy to operate and maintain.

  • SKU: EL005098
  • Price: 

More Details

АртикулСкорость подачи, м/минШирина заготовки, ммТолщина заготовки, ммДлина заготовки, ммМощность, кВт
ЦОД-450 ручная70010-80700011
ЦОД-450 Лручная70010-6070008 / 11
ЦОД-500 ручная70010-110650015
A type
Sawmill equipment