State-of-the-art pipe cutting machines for stainless steel, carbon steel, manganese steel, brass, aluminum, etc., round, square, elliptical, hexagonal, D-shaped tubes, with fiber laser emitter and CNC electronic control system. They can process pipes of various diameters and lengths. They are widely used in various industries.

  • SKU: EL005781
  • Price: 

More Details

АртикулДлина труб, ммДиаметр круглых труб, ммМощность лазера, ВтИсточник излученияТолщина резки (нерж. сталь), ммТолщина резки (углерод. сталь), мм
OR-T6022/1000 IPG 650020 - 2301000IPG46
OR-T6022/1000 Raycus 650020 - 2301000Raycus46
OR-T6022/1500 IPG 650020 - 2301500IPG48
OR-T6022/1500 Raycus 650020 - 2301500Raycus48
A type