The panels are composed of two layers of rigid material and insulation. Usually, a durable material is used for the outer surfaces and cotton or expanded polystyrene for the inner part. The porous structure of the inner layer retains air flows. It is possible to order equipment with non-standard dimensions

  • SKU: EL005005
  • Price: 

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Due to its unique properties, sandwich panels have become popular all over the world. They provide almost complete sound insulation and prevent heat transfer. Basically, such materials are used for roofs and walls in the form of insulation, in the construction of industrial buildings and decorative finishing. Such panels are the best option for the construction of prefabricated buildings. High-quality processing and a special anti-corrosion zinc coating can significantly increase the service life of the building.

Total line equipment power: 32kW
Line dimensions: total length 45,000 mm, total width 4500 (max), total height 2200 mm;
Total weight of the sandwich panel line: ≈ 22 tons