The overhead casting crane is the main lifting equipment in the metallurgy and continuous casting process. As an overhead crane in metallurgical production, it is commonly used to lift and transport molten metal. Also called a crane bridge metallurgical foundry. On the other hand, a casting metallurgical bridge crane is a casting, loading, well or other crane equipped with special load-gripping devices and control mechanisms for them. The overhead casting crane is used in open-hearth workshops of metallurgical plants. Under certain conditions, a casting overhead crane will have increased resistance to static, dynamic, shock and technological loads.

  • SKU: EL003595
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Однобалочный металлургический мостовой кран параметры:

LDY Металлургический однобалочный козловой кран – технические характеристики
Высота подъемам6~206~206~206~206~20
Скорость подъемам/мин0.8/80.8/80.8/80.8/80.7/7
Скорость троллейбусам/мин2020202020
Скорость кранам/мин20/3020/3020/3020/3020/30
Режим работыАA3-A4A3-A4A3-A4A3-A4A3-A4
Рабочая температура-20℃~+60℃-20℃~+60℃-20℃~+60℃-20℃~+60℃-20℃~+60℃
Тип трекаРP24P24P24P24P24 P38

Двухбалочный металлургический литейный мостовой кран параметры:

QDY Метталургический двухбалочный мостовой кран – технические характеристики
Высота подъемам6~186~186~186~186~186~186~186~186~186~18
Скорость подъемам/мин12.5139.
Режим работыАA7A7A7A7A7A7A7A7A7A7
Тип трекаРP43P43P43QU70QU80QU100QU120QU120QU120QU120
A type