The magnetic overhead crane is one of the special overhead traveling cranes. This type of overhead crane is equipped with special electric magnets. At the same time, the control methods of the magnetic bridge crane are different. In general, the magnetic bridge crane device includes one or two trolleys that are mounted on the bridge.

  • SKU: EL003594
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QC Магнитный двухбалочный мостовой кран – технические характеристики
Высота подъемам6~186~186~186~186~186~18
Скорость подъемам/мин15.513.3139.79.57.8
Скорость троллейбусам/мин37.245.944.644.642.438.5
Скорость кранам/мин115.6115.6112.5112.5101.486.8
Режим работыАA5~A6A5~A6A5~A6A5~A6A5~A6A5~A6
Тип трекаРP43P43P43/QU70P43/QU70QU70/90*90QU80100*100
A type