Microtome MPS-2 is used in medicine and biology for morphological studies to obtain serial sections of animal and plant tissues embedded in paraffin.

  • SKU: EL001836
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Options Value
Knife holder feed range: from 1 to 45μm
The price of one division of the automatic knife holder scale: 1μm
The range of movement of the conveyor belt at one turn of the flywheel: from 1 to 25 microns
The price of one scale division of the automatic conveyor belt offset system: 1 micron
The size of the resulting slices from the object: 40x50 mm
Installation angles of the working knife relative to the cutting plane: from 10 to 25 degrees
The value of one division of the knife holder scale: 5 hail
Overall parameters: 520х310х275 mm
Weight with complete set: 32 kg