Features: ISO 1161: Corner Fittings Specification; ISO 668: Classification of overall dimensions; ISO 6346: Coding classifications and markings; ISO 830: Freight container terminology; ISO 1496/3: Specification of freight containers; ASME: American Society of Mechanical Engineering / Class VIII rev.1; IMDG: International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code; CSC: Agreement on the Security of Containers; TIR: International Road Transport; UIC: International Union of Railways.

  • SKU: EL002433
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Technical data:

  • Design code: EN 13530 - ADR - RID - ADN - IMDG - UIC - CSC - TC - TIR;
  • Container type: 1СС-1ВВ-1АА;
  • Design review: Bureau Veritas, Lloyd's Register;
  • Design temperature: +50 / -196 ° C;
  • Container sizes: 20, 30 and 40 “;
  • Working pressure: 8-16 bar (MAWP);
  • Design temperature: +50 / -196 ° C;
  • Ambient temperature: -50 / + 50 ° C;
  • Container material: inside - stainless steel; outer part - steel, stainless steel or aluminum;
  • X-ray inspection: depending on the design;
  • Color flaw detection: depending on design;
  • Insulation: vacuum, pearlite insulation.