Key Features: Large white LED backlight for poorly lit areas Resistance and continuity Frequency and capacitance Maximum AC / DC voltage 600V AC / DC current measurement 10A Min. / Max. / Average for recording waveforms Safety category CAT III 600 V

  • SKU: EL002203
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More Details

 voltage measurement
Range500 V
Resolution0.1 V
Accuracy 45 Hz – 66 Hz0.8% + 3
Input impedance360 kΩ
Overload protection660 V rms
Continuity testing (RLO)
Range (autoranging)20 Ω / 200 Ω / 2000 Ω
Resolution0.01 Ω / 0.1 Ω / 1 Ω
Open Circuit Voltage>4 V
Insulation resistance measurement (RISO)
Test voltages100-250-500-1000 V
Accuracy of tTest voltage (at rated test current)+10%, -0%
Test voltage50 V
100 V
250 V
500 V
1000 V
Insulation resistance range20 MΩ /50 MΩ
20 MΩ / 100 MΩ
20 MΩ / 200 MΩ
20 MΩ / 200 MΩ / 500 MΩ
20 MΩ / 200 MΩ / 1000 MΩ
Resolution0.01 MΩ / 0.1 MΩ
0.01 MΩ / 0.1 MΩ
0.01 MΩ / 0.1 MΩ
0.01 MΩ / 0.1 MΩ / 1 MΩ
0.01 MΩ / 0.1 MΩ / 1 MΩ
Test current1 mA @ 50 kΩ
1 mA @ 100 kΩ
1 mA @ 250 kΩ
1 mA @ 500 kΩ
1 mA @ 1 MΩ
Loop and line impedance (ZI)
Range10 Ω / 0.001 Ω / High current mΩ mode
Resolution0.01 Ω / 0.1 Ω / 1 Ω
Prospective earth fault current, PSC test
Range1000 A / 10 kA (50 kA)
Resolution1 A / 0.1 kA
ComputationProspective earth fault current (PEFC) or Prospective short circuit current (PSC) determined by dividing measured mains voltage by measured loop (L-PE) resistance or line (L-N) resistance, respectively.
RCD testing, RCD types tested
Model 1662A4, AC¹, G²,S³
Notes¹Responds to AC
²General, no delay
³Time delay
4Responds to pulsed signal
5Responds to smooth DC signal
Tripping speed test (ΔT)
Current settings¹10-30-100-300-500-1000 mA – VAR
10-30-100 mA
Multiplierx ½, x 1
x 5
Measurement rangeRCD Type G310 ms
50 ms
RCD Type S510 ms
160 ms
Notes¹1000 mA type AC only
700 mA maximum type A in VAR mode
VAR mode not available for type B.
RCD/FI-Tripping Current Measurement/Ramp Test (IΔN)
Current range30% to 110% of RCD rated current¹
Step size10% of IΔN²
Dwell timeType G300 ms/step
Type S500 ms/step
Measurement accuracy±5%
Specified trip current ranges (EN 61008-1)50% to 100% for Type AC
35% to 140% for Type A (>10 mA)
35% to 200% for Type A (≤10 mA)
50% to 200% for Type B
²5% for Type B
Notes¹30% to 150% for Type A IΔN > 10 mA
30% to 210% for Type A IΔN = 10 mA
20% to 210% for Type B
Phase Sequence Indication
Iconicon phase sequence indicator  Phase Sequence indicator is active.
General Specifications
Size (L x W x H)10 x 25 x 12.5 cm
Weight (incl. batteries)1.3 Kg
Battery size, quantityType AA, 6 ea.
SafetyComplies with EN61010-1 Ed 2.0 (2001-02), UL61010, ANSI/ISA –s82.02.01 2000 and CAN/CSA c22.2 No. 1010 2nd edition
OvervoltageCAT III / 500V; CAT IV 300V
PerformanceEN61557-1 to EN61557-7 Second Edition and EN61557-10 Second Edition