Pressure testing and filling units are specialized pumping equipment designed for servicing oil and gas pipelines. We develop filling units AN, pressure testing AO, pressure testing and filling ANO.

  • SKU: EL018632
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AH units are designed for filling main pipelines with water during hydraulic tests for strength and tightness. The recommended pressure increase in this case should be 25-50% of the test pressure. There are the following modifications: AN-250, AN-261, AN-301, AN-501, ASN-1000.
AO units are designed for further hydraulic testing of main and field pipelines under high pressure. The most widespread unit is AO-181
ANO units are unique pumping equipment, with installed pumps of two types, for performing functions and filling and pressure testing. There are the following modifications: ANO-161, ANO-161A, ANO-181.


A type
Pumping stations