Rotary vacuum pump KO-5O5A 02.15.100 is designed to create vacuum or overpressure in the tank of a vacuum machine.

  • SKU: EL001684
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More Details

The vacuum pump consists of a ribbed cast iron housing in which a rotor is eccentrically mounted on bearings. Textolite blades move freely in the grooves in the rotor.

When the rotor rotates, the blades are pressed against the inner surface of the pump housing due to centrifugal force. Air is pumped due to changes in the volumes of the cells formed by the eccentrically located rotor, textolite plates, pump casing and end caps.

The pump has a lubrication system. The lubricant flows to the bearings and to the suction cavity of the pump. The amount of oil supplied is regulated by the adjusting screws.

A type