The corn germ oil processing line adopts the most advanced oil processing technology, including refining, deacidification, decolorization, negative mixing, high vacuum deodorization, dewaxing, filtration. The unique design of crude corn germ oil provides highly efficient processing of corn germ oil with low residual oil.

  • SKU: EL003634
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Characteristics of the processing of corn germ oil:

  • The unique design of technological oil processing allows stable and safe operation. Equipped with decolorizing mixed oil tank, stainless steel deodorizing deodorizing tank, heat-conducting boiler with a high temperature of 280 degrees for thermal energy, ensures high processing efficiency.
  • High vacuum steam mixing corn germ oil. Adopting vacuum pump offers high pressure vacuum steam from 755mmHg for mixing and deodorization. the steam generator produces steam for distillation. The resulting corn oil is of high purity.
A type
Oil production