The machines belong to the class of semi-automatic, equipped with a hydraulic station, which allows you to automate the workflow as much as possible (clamping workpieces in a vice, raising and lowering the frame), as well as create the necessary cutting force. The rigidity of the machines and the structural scheme of the machines ensure high accuracy and quality of cutting, as well as a long service life.

  • SKU: EL005360
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АртикулРаспил круга, ммРаспил прямоугольника, ммСкорость пиления, м/минМощность, кВт
KMT 220 KDG130 / 200 / 220120x120 / 220x220 / 200x28025 - 901,5
KMT 300 KDG170 / 280 / 300170x170 / 170x300 / 300x43025 - 902,2
KMT 350 KDG250 / 350250x340 / 230x550 / 180x24025 - 904
KMT 400 KDG250 / 350 / 400250x350 / 270x550 / 330x35025 - 904
KMT 460 KDG300 / 460460x800 / 460x650 / 460x500 / 460x300 / 460x65022 - 905,5
KMT 540 KDG410 / 500 / 540500x410 / 500x620 / 500x95020 - 904
KMT 560 KDG450 / 500 / 560450x460 / 540x680 / 560x105018 - 957,48
KMT 700 KDG480 / 700650x480 / 650x700 / 650x105018 - 755,5
A type