Compressors of the P ... LTR series are duplex reciprocating oil-lubricated compressors (2 compressors per receiver) with direct drive, air-cooled, with a maximum compression pressure of 10 atm, controlled by a mechanical pressure switch (pressure switch) mounted on the receiver.

  • Brand: BOGE
  • SKU: EL002761
  • Price: 

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BOGEMax. давлениеПроизводительность по нагнетанию
50 Hz
Мощность приводаГабариты
Д × Ш × В
P 1 LTR101452 * 0.0812 * 2.92 * 0.72 * 1.01520 x 515 x 970170
P 2 LTR101452 * 0.1622 * 5.72 * 1.32 * 2.01520 x 515 x 970180
A type