All major compressor units are mounted in a single unit, while the absence of tubular connections provides additional reliability and ease of operation and maintenance of the system. The compression module is connected to the electric motor module by a V-belt transmission.

  • Brand: BOGE
  • SKU: EL002766
  • Price: 

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BOGEMax. давлениеПроизводительность по нагнетанию
50 Hz
Мощность приводаГабариты
Д × Ш × В
SRDL 350101500.2609.52.23.0915 x 480 x 730121
SRDL 500101500.37013.03.24.5915 x 480 x 730123
SRDL 700101500.51518.54.05.51035 x 565 x 805149
SRDL 1000101500.73026.06.38.51035 x 565 x 805157
A type