The RS-232 / RS-485 interface converter is designed to implement data exchange between a computer and external devices, such as: IT-3, IT-6, SIT. The converter is connected to a computer via the RS-232 interface at a distance of up to 15 meters. External devices are connected to the converter via the RS-485 interface at a distance of up to 1200 meters. The choice of the transmission direction is carried out by the DTR signal under the control of a personal computer. The device has a built-in set of communication line matching elements (“terminator”), which can be connected or disconnected from the RS-485 line at the user's choice. The converters provide galvanic isolation between the connected devices and the computer and have an additional built-in DC power supply.

  • SKU: EL008975
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More Details


Number of connected devices via RS-485 interface

up to 32

Data reception / transmission speed

Up to 57600 bps

Power supply for external devices

12 ± 1.2V; 1.5 A

Degree of protection provided by the sheath


Climatic version according to GOST 15150-69

UHL 4.2

Ambient temperature

0 ... + 40 ° C


~ 220 ± 11 V; 50 ± 1 Hz


96x96x108 mm


1 kg