Fetal monitor UNIKOS 03 is used to assess the condition of the fetus at the end of the II - the beginning of the III trimester. There is also an analysis of labor activity. The device determines the heart rate and motor activity, processes these data and automatically assigns it to one of 4 groups: norm, initial, pronounced and pronounced disorders.

  • SKU: EL014739
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Features of the device

  • The ability to carry out diagnostics starting from the 28th week;
  • Information about fetal movements and its heart rate can be stored for an unlimited amount of time. On occasion, it can be used at any time upon request;
  • Diagnostics of parameters for twins: assessment of each embryo occurs separately;
  • The device independently calculates the research time;
  • Training of data decryption personnel is reduced due to simplified CTG analysis;
  • Sleep of the embryo does not reduce the diagnostic accuracy;
  • When the cardio signal is lost, artifacts are eliminated automatically.