Granulated compound feed provides the animals with a balanced diet. All pellets contain the nutrients your animals need, and they will not be able to choose what they want from the pellet as it would with the feed mixture. Thus, the animal is forced to consume all the feed and vitamins prepared for it, without going over. In addition, the granules are better stored and transported, so there is less dust. Also, the feed is disinfected - when processing feed mixtures on the GKM-260 pellet feed granulator, the feed is heated due to mechanical energy, friction of the feed against the walls of the matrix. And this is another plus of granulated feed.

  • SKU: EL011003
  • Price: 

More Details

A matrix of 259 mm in diameter is installed on the GKM-260 granulator. The size of the radial holes is from 2 mm to 8 mm, depending on the needs of the customer. The kit includes one matrix. Due to the ease of replacing the matrix, you can order one or more matrices beforehand and produce pellets with different pellet diameters for feeding different animals on one pellet mill, including pellets.

Productivity: up to 300 kg / hour

300 kg / h