The screw conveyor U11-PX-61 (HOOPERSTACK) is a type of conveyor (feeder) designed for receiving at the site of various bulk materials unloaded in bulk from cars with a folding body, with subsequent transportation to technological equipment. Application sector: • ports and terminals.

  • SKU: EL001350
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  • can store and fill materials according to various schemes;
  • in his work he can do without the help of forklifts;
  • distributes material evenly over the entire surface;
  • favors the automation of the stacking process;
  • does not require highly qualified specialists for operation.


The conveyor is designed for bunker-free unloading of grain, cement from railway wagons of the "Hopper" type.

The conveyor is not self-metering, i.e. the loading of the conveyor must be limited and not exceed the maximum conveyor performance at any time unit.

The conveyor must be operated with a device that guarantees a smooth controlled start.

A type