Robots with one servo-driven axis and a lightweight frame of the XTB series for injection molding machines of 60-700 tons. One servo and two pneumatic axles. Lightweight and durable construction. Low investment cost. Euromap 12/67. Main applications: electrical household goods, consumer goods, toys.

  • SKU: EL005644
  • Price: 

More Details

АртикулУсилие смыкания, тоннПотребление воздуха, норм. л/цикл
XTB-1000380 - 47022 / 26
XTB-55040 - 9016 / 22
XTB-65090 - 12016 / 22
XTB-70060 - 16016 / 22
XTB-750120 - 20016 / 22
XTB-800160 - 25018 / 22
XTB-900250 - 38020 / 24
A type