The lifting of the saw frame, clamping of the workpiece and the sawing process are carried out manually by the operator. The cutting tool is an endless welded band saw. The blade is tensioned with a tension pulley. The idler pulley is driven by a drive pulley, which in turn is driven through a gearbox.

  • SKU: EL005369
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More Details

АртикулМакс. распил круга, ммМакс. распил прямоугольника, ммСкорость пиления, м/минМощность, кВт
SBS-150 G150150х180340,5
SBS-205205215х20524 / 41 / 61 / 821,1
SBS-250 A250280x23053 / 790,85 / 1,1
SBS-250 G250310x24036 - 720,75 / 1,5
A type