Self-propelled trolley Tisel ET20P Li-Ion with forks 1150 mm long. Designed for loading and unloading operations at large facilities. It allows you to transport various pallets, pallets and individual loads weighing up to 2 tons. Supplied with a powerful lithium-ion battery and battery charger.

  • SKU: EL014277
  • Price: 

More Details

Engine type: battery
Battery type: traction

Performance characteristics
Cart type: self-propelled
Carrying capacity: 2000 kg
Fork length: 1150 mm
Lift height: 205 mm
Speed (laden / unladen): 6/6 km / h
Carrying surface width: 540 mm
Handle height: 1335 mm
Battery voltage and capacity AKB + AZU: 24/100 V / Ah
Li-Ion battery: 24/30 V / A

Dimensions (edit)
Size: 1792 × 729 × 1338mm

Cart type