The septic tank aeration system consists of a compressor-blower and an aeration element immersed in water. Due to the enrichment of sewage wastewater with oxygen, a favorable environment is created for the development of aerobic bacteria, which contribute to the oxidation and decomposition of complex organic substances to simple ones (CO2, N2, H20, etc.), the further utilization of which is not difficult: the treated water goes into drainage , and the sludge settles in the sump and is regularly (once a season) pumped out by an ordinary drainage pump onto the relief (on compost, under a tree, on a lawn, etc.).

  • SKU: EL001712
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  • compressor THOMAS LP-200HN
  • disc aeration elements on the Matala MDB-22 platform
  • choke
  • clamps 2pcs.

What does aeration give:

  • rapid decomposition of organic substances into simple elements due to oxidation and the activity of aerobic microorganisms (bacteria)
  • lack of putrid odor
  • minimization or complete abandonment of a sewer truck (excess sludge can be used as fertilizer)

Advantages of the AIRSEPT (AS) system:

  • use of THOMAS compressors Germany
  • aerators Matala (disc) and JAEGER Germany (tubular)
  • which guarantees high quality of the final product
A type