Wolf Duotherm steel two-pass fire tube hot water boilers are supplied to the customer in five standard sizes with nominal power from 150 to 6000 kW. The boilers are equipped with a pressurized furnace. Designed to produce hot water with a maximum temperature of 115 ℃ at an allowable operating pressure of 0.6 MPa (6 bar).

  • SKU: EL001276
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Технические характеристики

Модель котлаНоминальная мощностьГабариты котла,ммМасса,кгКПД,%Объем воды,л
Duotherm 1501501292303950112596092330
Duotherm 2502502152303950112599092310
Duotherm 300300260246810501280120092550
Duotherm 350350300246810501280128092510
Duotherm 400430370246810501280134092480
Duotherm 500500430246810971340137092460
A type
Hot water