The machines are designed for sharpening flat knives with a straight cutting edge for milling wood. The machines are used at the enterprises of the furniture and woodworking industries, model shops of machine-building plants, and construction organizations.

  • SKU: EL005910
  • Price: 

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АртикулДлина ножей, ммШирина ножей, ммТолщина ножей, ммУгол заточкиМощность, кВт
ТчН12120015 - 2003 - 1515° - 90°3,93 / 4,68
ТчН16160015 - 2003 - 1515° - 90°3,93 / 4,68
ТчН21210015 - 2003 - 1515° - 90°3,93 / 4,68
ТчН881015 - 2003 - 1515° - 90°3,93 / 4,68
A type