Long-term pasteurization baths are used in the dairy industry for milk pasteurization, interoperational storage of milk, heat treatment with mixing of milk mixtures, milk processing products, for fermentation of fermented milk products, processing of curd and cheese curds. Geometric volume from 120 liters. Heater type: heating element, steam, gas boiler. Electricity consumption from 12 kW.

  • SKU: EL005545
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АртикулРабочий объем, лПотребляемая мощность, кВтЧастота вращения миксера, об/мин
ВДПК-100 10098-32
ВДПК-200 200188-32
ВДПК-300 300278-32
ВДПК-400 400308-32
ВДПК-500 500368-32
A type
Cheese production