Heat generators Master of the Green series are stationary air heaters designed for heating air in general-purpose rooms. The heat generator has a fairly simple principle of operation and excellent performance in heating the air. Cold air is taken by the fan of the device and enters the walls of the combustion chamber, then into the heat exchanger, the combustion products are discharged through special sealed channels into the installed chimney. Green 310 has an outlet air flow of 4.600 m3 / h. and a thermal power of 75 kW, suitable for small and medium-sized premises.

  • Brand: Master
  • SKU: EL002707
  • Price: 

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Технические характеристики

Мощность , кВт75
Поток воздуха ( за час ) , м34.600
Расход топлива ( в час ) , кг6,4
Размеры (Д х Ш х В) , мм1500 x 620 x 1080
Масса нетто / брутто , кг148/171
Напряжение сети ( 50 Гц ) , V220-240
Диаметр дымохода , мм150
Диаметр сопла , мм450
A type