These models are optimal for use in agricultural enterprises (poultry and pig farms), in warehouses, greenhouses, etc. In these rooms, special attention is paid to the air quality without emissions of CO and CO². Fresh air from the outside is supplied to the burner, and the combustion products are discharged outside by means of adjustable outlet louvers. An adjustable fan that runs continuously distributes heat evenly throughout the room.

  • SKU: EL009269
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More Details

Технические характеристики

Тепловая мощность 65 кВт
КПД 92 %
Соединение с дымоходом 180 мм
Расход воздуха 7500 м3/ч
Артикул 41.526.300
Масса 260 кг
Потребление жидкого топлива 6.5 л/ч
Потребление тока при 230V 7 А
Габариты 990х1180х1660 мм
Подходит для общественных / промышленных помещений,
A type