Slant bed lathes of the KTL series are used for processing the external and internal surfaces of parts such as bodies of revolution. Basic operations: turning, parting and facing, drilling, threading, boring holes. Due to the use of linear guides, the accuracy of processing parts and the speed of movement of the main units of the machine increase.

  • SKU: EL005461
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More Details

АртикулДиаметр обработки над станиной, ммРасстояние между центрами, ммДиапазон скоростей шпинделя, об/минМощность, кВт
KTL40D 200 30-50005,5/7,5
KTL44/500D 300 30-450011/15
KTL44D 380 45 - 450015 /18,5
KTL62D 570 30 - 300018,5 / 22
A type