Lathes with CNC KTL-S series are designed for high-speed turning of external and internal surfaces of parts such as bodies. rotation with a stepped and curved profile, of varying complexity, including threading, drilling, countersinking.

  • SKU: EL005460
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More Details

АртикулДиаметр обработки над станиной, ммРасстояние между центрами, ммДиапазон скоростей шпинделя, об/минМощность, кВт
KTL-S 56280 30 - 450011/15
KTL-S 56 C 280 30 - 400015/18,5
KTL-S 72 500 30 - 300022/30
KTL-S 72 C 500 30 - 300022/30
A type