Compensation devices UK, UK-2-1, UK-3 are designed for automatic compensation of thermo-EMF when measuring the temperature of the cold ends of thermocouples with meters and temperature controllers. Also, devices are used to obtain data on the temperature of the cold ends of thermocouples using sensors located inside the alignment blocks of the UK. One, twelve, three thermocouples, respectively, can be connected to compensation devices UK, UK-2-1, UK-3. Aligning blocks made of copper with clamps for the ends of thermocouples and a PCB made of fiberglass with clamps for wires connecting compensation devices with secondary devices are placed in rectangular cases of CC devices.

  • SKU: EL008974
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Cold end temperature sensor type of thermocouples

TCM (50M; W 100 = 1.4280),
class B,
4-wire connection

Integral temperature sensor DS18B20
("Dallas Semiconductors") with 1-Wire interface

TCM (50M; W 100 = 1.4280),
class B,
4-wire connection

Number of connected thermocouples




The error in measuring the temperature of the cold ends of thermocouples in the temperature range 0 ... + 40 ° С

± 0.4 ° C

± 1 ° C

± 0.4 ° C