Fancoil is a device similar in structure, design and purpose to the indoor unit of an air conditioner. Scope - regulation of air temperature in rooms for various purposes. The principle of operation of a fan coil unit is based on air intake from a room or a supply unit, followed by its cooling or heating. Just like in the indoor unit of the air conditioner, there is a heat exchanger, a fan, an air filter and a control circuit inside the fan coil unit.

  • SKU: EL009185
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Технические характеристики

Мощность охлаждения 16 кВт
Мощность нагрева 24.2 кВт
Габариты 620x1400x350 мм
Производительность 3060/2295/1530 м3/ч
Масса 93 кг
Подходит для офиса, для магазина, для здания/гостиницы, для общественных / промышленных помещений,
A type