Ball valves with electric drives are widely used in automation systems for controlling the supply of liquid or gas in pipeline systems, and are used today in a wide variety of areas of the gas industry. Ball valves with electric drives provide regulation of the pumped liquid, as well as gas transported through pipelines. When using electric drives, protection from the human factor is ensured, as well as full control over the ongoing processes by one operator, which leads to a decrease in economic losses and emergency situations.

  • SKU: EL004029
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НаименованиеПроходной диаметрМонтажная длинаЭлектропривод
ФАС 15-140FDN1540 ммФАС 25.70А
ФАС 20-140FDN2044 ммФАС 25.70А
ФАС 25-140FDN2553 ммФАС 45.70А
ФАС 32-140FDN3259 ммФАС 75.70А
ФАС 40-140FDN4062 ммФАС 75.70А
ФАС 50-140FDN5078 ммФАС 100.90А
ФАС 65-140FDN65100 ммФАС 150.90А
ФАС 80-140FDN80120 ммФАС 300.90А
ФАС 100-140FDN100152 ммФАС 25.70A
A type